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How To Prepare Your Home For Sale; Click Here To Find More!

Because it makes your property stand out from other homes on the market, home staging is a tried and true method for selling your home faster. While there are no promises, staging may assist you in obtaining a better price. For more info, click here!

The Checklist

It’s time to clear, make repairs, and upgrade where you can once you’ve cleaned your floors and dusted your shelves. Here are a few pointers to help you get started:

  • In rooms that want extra light, use subtle but elegant lighting. Illumination offers a sense of well-being and vibrancy.
  • When accessorizing, strive for symmetry. The human eye is drawn to symmetry and appreciates balance.
  • To make the space more open for home viewing, remove a few furniture pieces from each room. Examine each area to discover what you can do without while your house is on the market.
  • Buyers enjoy imagining themselves in the home. Set up a table with a board game or puzzle to help them imagine what lifestyle they can experience in that home.
  • If your home has a fireplace, ensure it’s in good working order and light it if the season calls for it. If necessary, replace the screen to make everything look new and shiny.
  • If you want to add soft touches like accent pillows and blankets, use vibrant colors that go well with the rest of the room’s motif.

The Setting For The Photoshoot

The listing photos are frequently the first thing that a potential buyer notices. In a competitive market, tasteful and illustrative images can make your home stand out. Take these actions before the photographer comes to get the most value out of your images.

  • De-clutter your counters, workstations, fireplace built-ins, and any other available surface in your home. Bathrooms and wall hangings are not to be overlooked.
  • Allow the light to shine in by opening the window blinds and drapes to let the natural light in.
  • Before the photos, have the carpets cleaned and the hard surface flooring shined by professionals. Professional photography can pick up stains that you wouldn’t expect.